St Mary’s Calne Pupils Join Effort to Build School for Vulnerable Girls in Zambia

In an inspiring act of global solidarity, 15 students from St Mary’s Calne, a prestigious independent girls’ school in Wiltshire, UK, are embarking on a journey to Zambia to contribute to the construction of a new school for vulnerable girls. This project, which is part of the wider efforts to mark the bicentenary of Dr. David Livingstone’s birth, is a testament to the power of education and compassion in transforming lives.

A Lifeline for Vulnerable Girls in Zambia

The region where this new school is being built is one of the most underdeveloped in Zambia, where the challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children, particularly girls, are severe. Access to education remains a significant barrier for these children, many of whom have experienced unimaginable hardships. This new school will provide a safe haven and a beacon of hope for these young girls, offering them the opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive environment.

A Collaborative Effort

The project is being organized in collaboration with The Livingstone Arts, Cultural & Sporting Events Development Organisation (LACSEDO) and The David Livingstone Bicentenary & Livingstone 2013 Initiative. These organizations have been at the forefront of efforts to not only celebrate the legacy of Dr. Livingstone but also to create tangible benefits for the communities in Zambia that he once called home. The school-building project aligns perfectly with their mission, as it seeks to uplift some of the most vulnerable members of society.

Making a Difference

For the students of St Mary’s Calne, this project is more than just an overseas trip; it is an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others. By helping to build this school, they are not only contributing to the physical construction of a much-needed facility but also helping to build a brighter future for the girls who will attend it. This hands-on experience will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the students, fostering a deep sense of global responsibility and empathy.

A Legacy of Compassion

This initiative is a fitting tribute to Dr. David Livingstone, whose life was dedicated to exploration, education, and humanitarian efforts. As the bicentenary celebrations continue, the new school for vulnerable girls will stand as a lasting legacy of the compassion and commitment that Dr. Livingstone embodied. It is a powerful reminder that, even 200 years later, his spirit of service and dedication to the welfare of others continues to inspire and drive positive change.

For more information on how to support this project and other initiatives, please contact LACSEDO.