Father Katete at Press Briefing Welcoming St Mary’s Calne to Zambia

Good morning, everyone.

It is with great joy and gratitude that I extend a warm welcome to the students and teachers of St Mary’s Calne as they join us here in Zambia. Your presence marks the beginning of what I believe will be a long and fruitful friendship between your esteemed institution and the soon-to-be-constructed St Mary’s Anglican Girls Secondary School, located in the heart of Chief Tembwe’s area in Chama district.

Chama is one of the most remote and underdeveloped regions in our country. Like many rural areas in Zambia, Chama faces numerous challenges, including early marriages, gender inequality, and significant disparities in access to education between girls and boys. These issues create formidable barriers that prevent many children, particularly girls, from realizing their potential through education.

The establishment of St Mary’s Anglican Girls Secondary School is not just a response to these challenges; it is a beacon of hope for the girls of Chama. This school will provide them with the opportunity to pursue their education in an environment that is supportive, nurturing, and dedicated to their success. It will be a place where they can dream, learn, and grow into empowered young women who can contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond.

Your involvement in this project, St Mary’s Calne, is a testament to the power of global solidarity and the impact that can be made when we work together across borders. The friendships and connections that will be forged between your school and ours will not only enrich the lives of our students but will also create a lasting legacy of collaboration and mutual understanding.

As we embark on this journey together, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for choosing to support this important initiative. Your efforts will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on the community in Chama and will help to shape a brighter future for the girls who will pass through the doors of St Mary’s Anglican Girls Secondary School.

Once again, welcome to Zambia. We look forward to working with you and building a strong and enduring partnership that will benefit generations to come.