Community Spirit at the Meadows Festival: Catherine Scott’s Charitable Endeavor

At Edinburgh’s vibrant Meadows Festival, British doctor Catherine Scott brought more than just enthusiasm to her bric-a-brac stall—she brought a deep sense of community and generosity. With strong family ties to Zambia, Catherine decided to use the festival as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact, turning a simple stall into a force for good.

Catherine spent the day selling a variety of items, all carefully gathered from a thorough clear-out of her family home. From vintage treasures to everyday goods, her stall attracted festival-goers who were eager to find a bargain while supporting a good cause. The atmosphere was lively, with the Meadows buzzing with activity, and Catherine’s stall becoming a hub for those who wanted to shop with a purpose.

What made Catherine’s efforts truly special was her decision to split her earnings between two charities, one of which was The Chama Project—a cause close to her heart. The funds raised will go a long way in supporting this initiative, which aims to provide education and resources to vulnerable girls in one of Zambia’s most remote regions.

In addition to her charitable work at the festival, Catherine is planning an upcoming trip to Zambia with her brothers and sister. This journey will not only reconnect her with her family’s roots but also give her a firsthand look at the impact of the projects she supports. Her commitment to making a difference, both at home and abroad, is a testament to the power of individual action in driving change.

The Meadows Festival is known for bringing together the community, and Catherine Scott’s contribution this year highlighted how one person’s effort can resonate far beyond the festival grounds. By turning her clear-out into a charitable endeavor, she has set an inspiring example of how to combine passion, purpose, and community spirit.