The Livingstone 2013 Initiative embarked on a journey to intertwine the bicentenary of Dr. David Livingstone with vibrant events, tourism, and community projects, believing that such a fusion would capture the imagination of the media. This vision has come to fruition, with extensive global media coverage bringing the initiative’s efforts into the spotlight.

Acknowledging Our Media Partners

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the diverse array of media outlets—television, radio, and print—that have played a pivotal role in amplifying our story. Their coverage has been instrumental in spreading awareness about our initiatives and celebrating the legacy of David Livingstone. Through their platforms, the world has learned about our commitment to merging historical significance with contemporary community development and cultural enrichment.

The Impact of Media Exposure

The extensive media exposure has not only showcased the rich tapestry of events and projects associated with the Livingstone 2013 Initiative but has also highlighted the positive impact on local communities. From feature stories and interviews to live broadcasts and articles, the media’s coverage has brought to life the essence of our mission and the transformative power of our initiatives.

By sharing the stories of the David Livingstone Bicentenary, the various festivals, and the community-focused projects, the media has helped to paint a vivid picture of how the past and present come together to foster growth and understanding. The coverage has sparked interest and engagement from audiences around the world, leading to increased support and participation in our programs.

A Special Thanks

We would like to acknowledge the specific media organizations that have contributed significantly to our outreach efforts, and extend our thanks to all those who have supported us in any capacity. Your dedication to covering our events and projects has been invaluable in achieving the extensive global exposure that has helped us reach a wider audience.

As we move forward, we remain committed to continuing our efforts and sharing our journey with the world. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate with the media and to furthering our mission of celebrating David Livingstone’s legacy while making a meaningful impact in communities both near and far.

Thank you once again to all our media partners for your support and for helping to bring the Livingstone 2013 Initiative’s story to life.