Our Sponsors

Join Us in Celebrating David Livingstone: Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

The David Livingstone Bicentenary and Livingstone 2013 initiative is more than just a series of events; it’s a celebration of a legacy that has shaped the cultural and historical landscape of both Zambia and the United Kingdom. We invite you to become a part of this momentous occasion by partnering with us as a sponsor. Your support will not only help bring these events to life but also contribute to the lasting impact of our initiatives on both local and global communities.

Why Sponsor the Livingstone Bicentenary and Livingstone 2013?

Sponsorship of the David Livingstone Bicentenary and the associated events in 2013 offers a unique opportunity to align your brand with a legacy of exploration, education, and humanitarianism. David Livingstone’s name is synonymous with discovery, cultural exchange, and social justice—values that continue to resonate today. By becoming a sponsor, you’ll be supporting efforts that reflect these enduring principles and ensuring that his contributions are celebrated in a way that honors his memory.

Opportunities for Sponsorship

There are several ways to get involved:

  1. Bicentenary and Livingstone 2013 Initiative: As a sponsor of the overall initiative, your brand will be prominently associated with the entire series of events, ensuring maximum exposure and recognition. This sponsorship level supports a wide range of activities, from educational programs to cultural exchanges and community outreach efforts.
  2. Individual Events or Festivals: Choose to sponsor specific events within the initiative, such as arts, cultural, or sports events. This option allows you to target your sponsorship to areas that align closely with your brand’s values and audience. Whether it’s a cultural exchange program or a sporting event, your support will help make these events a success.
  3. Cultural Exchanges Between the UK and Zambia: Support the ongoing cultural exchange programs that connect the UK and Zambia. These exchanges foster understanding and collaboration between the two nations, celebrating their shared history while promoting mutual respect and learning.
  4. Medical Exchange Between Scotland and Livingstone, Zambia: Play a vital role in enhancing healthcare in Zambia by sponsoring the medical exchange program. This initiative brings together medical professionals from Scotland and Livingstone, Zambia, to share knowledge, skills, and resources. Your sponsorship can help improve health outcomes and strengthen the ties between these two communities.

How to Get Involved

We understand that every sponsor has unique goals and needs, which is why we offer flexible sponsorship packages tailored to suit your requirements. Whether you’re looking to make a significant impact or simply want to contribute to a cause that resonates with your organization’s values, we have a sponsorship opportunity that’s right for you.

To learn more about our Sponsorship Programme and the various ways you can become involved, please click here to view the full details. Our program outlines the benefits of sponsorship, including branding opportunities, media exposure, and the chance to be part of a historic celebration.

Let’s Discuss How You Can Make a Difference

If you’re interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities further, we’d love to hear from you. Our team is ready to discuss how we can work together to create a meaningful and impactful partnership. For more information or to arrange a conversation, please contact us at [email protected].

Your support will not only help us celebrate David Livingstone’s legacy but also contribute to initiatives that make a real difference in the lives of people in Zambia and beyond. Join us in making history and ensuring that the spirit of exploration, education, and humanitarianism lives on for generations to come.