In August 2019, brothers Ben and Alex Eaglestone embarked on an unforgettable gap year adventure to Zambia, where they spent time with Father Katete, the Director of the Anglican Children’s Programme (ACP), in Lusaka. Their journey was more than just a typical gap year experience—it was a deep dive into a culture and community that left a lasting impact on both the brothers and those they met along the way.
Ben and Alex had prepared for their trip by raising funds through a JustGiving campaign and organizing a charity football match in their hometown of Gloucestershire. Their efforts paid off, allowing them to contribute meaningfully to the communities they visited in both Lusaka and Chama.
During their stay, the Eaglestone brothers experienced the vibrant life of Lusaka, Zambia’s bustling capital, and the remote beauty of Chama, where they saw firsthand the challenges faced by local communities. Their days were filled with learning, helping, and connecting with people whose lives are vastly different from their own. Whether assisting with ACP projects, engaging with local youth, or simply sharing stories, Ben and Alex made the most of every moment.
What made their adventure even more significant was their decision to continue their involvement with The Livingstone Initiative upon returning to the UK. Ben and Alex are now contributing their skills to the marketing and social media efforts of the organization, helping to raise awareness and support for the various projects they encountered in Zambia.
Their journey is a testament to the power of youth in making a difference, showing how a gap year can be more than just a break from studies—it can be a life-changing experience that sparks a lifelong commitment to global community service.
If you’re inspired by Ben and Alex’s story and want to learn more about volunteering opportunities with The Livingstone Initiative
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