Gap Year Adventures

In August 2019, brothers Ben and Alex Eaglestone embarked on an unforgettable gap year adventure to Zambia, where they spent time with Father Katete, the Director of the Anglican Children’s Programme (ACP), in Lusaka. Their journey was more than just a typical...

Meadows Festival

Community Spirit at the Meadows Festival: Catherine Scott’s Charitable Endeavor At Edinburgh’s vibrant Meadows Festival, British doctor Catherine Scott brought more than just enthusiasm to her bric-a-brac stall—she brought a deep sense of community and...

Bishops support ACP

Bishops Unite for a Brighter Future in Chama In a powerful display of unity and commitment, Bishop William Mchombo of Chipata, Bishop David Njovu of Lusaka, and Father Katete, Director of the Anglican Children’s Programme (ACP), have come together with a shared...

Edinburgh Fundraiser

In February 2018, The Livingstone Initiative hosted an unforgettable black-tie fundraising evening at Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh, in support of the Anglican Children’s Programme’s Chama Project. The event was a resounding success, blending elegance,...

Tembwe villagers are making all the bricks

Tembwe Villagers Build the Foundation for a New School in Chama In the heart of Tembwe, a remarkable community effort is taking shape as villagers come together to lay the literal foundation for the future of education in Chama. The villagers, driven by a shared...